
Pension File
Zachariah Mathuss
Company C, 13th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Zachariah Mathuss Civil War Pension File
Company C, 13th Illinois Infantry
Certificate Number 398311
Zachariah D. Mathuss enlisted as a Private in Company C, 13th Illinois Infantry on 24 May 1861 at Dixon, Lee County, Illinois and was discharged on 17 Oct 1862 at Chicago, Illinois. He filed for a Pension due to bronchitis and disease of urinary organs.
13 May 1912
Mr. Zachariah D. Mathuss, 1127 West Seventy Street, Los Angeles, California
Sir: Your above entitled claim for pension under the act of February 6, 1907, requires a certified copy of the Bible record of your birth.
The Bible should be taken before some officer authorized to administer oaths, who should make a copy of so much of the record contained therein as related to the date of your birth, and certify tot he correctness of the copy over his official seal. He should also state in what year the Bible was printed, and whether the record bears any marks, of erasure or alternation, and whether, from the appearance of the writing, he believes the entry to have been made many years ago.
The certificate of J. C. Oliver, notary public, is not satisfactory, for the reason that he failed to give the date of publication of the Bible or to state whether the record bears any marks of erasure or alternation. Very respectfully, L. Davenport, Commissioner
Civil War Division, Ctf. No. 398.311, Zachariah D. Mathuss, Co, C, 13 Illinois Vol. Inf.} Bureau of Pensions.
State of California, County of Los Angeles SS.
This is to Certify, That I Roger S. Page, a Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California, have this day personally inspected and read the certain entries hereinafter set forth, contained in a Bible submitted to me by Zachariah D. Mathuss, of Los Angeles, California; that said Zachariah D. Mathuss represents and states that said Bible contains and that the entries therein constitute and are the Family Record of his family, and that said Bible has been in his possession since the year 1856; that the following is a true and correct copy of the "Family Record of Births", therein recorded, to-wit: "Family Record of Births"
"James Y. Mathuss was born Mar 10th 1802
Martha Jane Mathuss was born Jan 15th 1819
Wm. H. Mathuss was born August 15th 1837
James E. Mathuss was born July 29th 1839
Zachariah D. Mathuss was born Nov 12th 1841
Washington E. Mathuss was born Nov 29th 1843
John H. Mathuss was born Sept 27th 1846
Calvin W. Mathuss was born Oct 6th 1849
Augustus R. Mathuss was born Oct 15th 1851
That said Bible was printed, according to the date printed in the title page thereof, in the year 1847, American Bible Society, New York. The record therein, of which a copy is above set forth, bears and shows no marks of erasure or alternation, there being therein nothing to indicate any changes in said record, and from the appearance of said writing, it is clearly evident and is my belief that said entries were made many years ago.
I further certify that I have known said Zachariah D. Mathuss personally, for several years, and that his standing in the community and reputation for truth and veracity are excellent, and full credit may be given to his statements and representations.
In Witness Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and official seal at Los Angeles, California, this 24th day of My 1912. Roger Page, Notary Public in and for the County of Los Angeles, State of California.
Declaration for Pension Act of May 1, 1920
State of California, County of Los Angeles, ss: On this 23rd day of October, A.D. 1921, personally appeared before me, a notary public, within and for the county and State aforesaid, Zachariah D. Mathuss who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 79 years of age, and a resident of Los Angeles county of Los Angeles, State of California; and that he is the identical person who was Enrolled at Lee Co., Ill., under the name of Zachariah D. Mathuss on the 24th day of May 1861, as a Private in Co. C.13 Regiment, Illinois Infantry in the service of the United States, in the Civil War and was Honorably Discharged at Chicago, Ill, on the 17th day of October 1862. That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 ft, 9 _ inches; complexion, light; color of eyes, blue; color of hair, brown; that his occupation was R. R. Breakman; that he was born November 12th, 1841, at Snow Hill, N.C.. The he requires the regular personal aid and attendance of another person on account of the following disabilities: Doctors statement attached. That since leaving the service he has resided at Chicago, Ill., and Los Angeles, Cal. Also Shenandoah Iowa. That he is a pensioner under Certificate No. 398311. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of May 1, 1920. Signed Zachariah D. Mathuss, by J. E. Mathuss 1725 5th Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Witness Catharine Gilmore, 959 S. Figura St. Los Angeles, Calif., Grace E. Uhl, 1716 Fifth Avenue, Los Angeles, Cal. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 23d day of October, A.D., 1921 and I hereby certify that the contents of the above declaration were fully made known and explained to the applicant before swearing. Ethel M. Kincheloe, Notary Public.
Note: on one of the papers, his place of birth was stated to be Ashville, North Carolina. The word Ashville was crossed out and Snow Hill was written in. Today, Ashville is located in Pender County, NC and Snow Hill is located in Greene County, NC.
Los Angeles, Cal. Oct 23, 1921
This is to certify that I have been Zachariah D. Mathuss physician for the last twenty-five years: that on July 7, 1917 he had a cerebral hemorrahage causing hemaplegia of the right side, from which he is still aflicted; and that on August 16, 1921 he fell causing an intercapsular fracture of the right hip joint rendering him entirely helpless so that he requires the constant attendance of a nurse. S. S. Salisbury, M.D.
Under the Act of May 1, 1920, Zachariah began receiving $72 per month, effective 29 Oct 1921.
Zachariah died on 24 March 1923.
April 5th, 1923
To the Commissioner of Pensions, Washington D.C.
My Dear Sir:
I herewith send you under Act of May 1, 1920 the application for pension for Joanna El. Mathuss, widow of Zachariah D. Mathuss, Co, C, 13th Regt. Ill. Vol.
Her hand shakes so she cannot use a pen, but transact all business with an indellible pencil.
I also enclose death certificate, two affidavits, and appointment of myself as Attorney.
Respectfully, Mattie C. Brown, 232 No. Broadway, Los Angeles, California
His widow Joanna E. Mathuss, of 1725 Fifth Avenue, Los Angeles, CA began receiving his Pension.
Declaration For Pension
State of California, County of Los Angeles ss. On this 5th day of March, A.D. one thousand nine hundred and twelve personally appeared before me, a Notary Public within and for the county and State aforesaid, Zachariah D. Mathuss, who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is 70 years of age, and a resident of Los Angeles county of Los Angeles, State of California; and that he is the identical person who was enrolled at Dixon Illinois under the name of Zachariah D. Mathews, on the 24 day of May, 1861, as a private, in Co C 13th Ill Inf in the service of the United States, in the civil war, and was Honorably Discharged at Chicago Ill, on the 17th day of October, 1862. That he was not employed in the military or naval service of the United States otherwise than as stated above. That his personal description at enlistment was as follows: Height, 5 feet 9 _ inches; complexion, light; color of eyes, blue; color of hair, brown; that his occupation was rail road breakman; that he was born Nov 12, 1841 at Snow Hill North Carolina. That his Pension Certificate No. is 398311. That he makes this declaration for the purpose of being placed on the pension roll of the United States under the provisions of the act of February 6, 1907. That his post-office address is 1129 West 9th St. Los Angeles, county of Los Angeles, State of California. Signed Zachariah D. Mathuss. Attest: Harry B. Washburn, Ellen L. Bundy. Another sheet says he resided at 1129 West 7th St., Los Angeles, CA
That his several places of residence since leaving the service have been as follows: Dixon, Ill, until 1863; Virginia City, Montana until 1867; Chicago, Ill until 1869; Cairo, Ill until 1872; Shenandoah, Iowa, until 1887; since then Los Angeles, Cal. Another sheet says he resided in Montana 7 years, Chicago, 4 years, Cario, Ill. 1890, 7 years, Iowa (Shenandoah) 14 years, Los Angeles, Cal 18 years.
General Affidavit: Dr. Granville MacGowan of 540 Douglas Block, Los Angeles, Cal.
In the matter of the claim of Zachariah D. Mathuss personally appeared Dr. Granville MacGowan aged 47 years, whose Post Office address is 540 Douglas Block, Los Angeles Cal who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to said case, that he has no interest in said case and is not concerned in its prosecution. Further, that on July 25th after an illness of more than 18 months with same urinary difficulty Mr. Mathuss who was supposed to have cancer of the bladder by his attending physician came under my care. He was heated my nee until Sept 18th 1902 and then operated for an enlarged prostrate, the operation being a perineal prostrateatomy. The prostate was fibroid and was removed with great difficulty. Recovery was slow, the tissues of the bladder neck and the capsule of the prostate were very stiff and hard and full and definite control of the bladder at all times has never been recovered. He has been obliged to ware an urinal to guard against sudden explusion of urine when hard pressed or from some leakage when greatly fatigued. A perinial fistula persisted for some time due to the accidental infection of one of the glands of Cowper? this was omitted Oct 30, 1902 and Dec 11th 1903.
Mr. Mathuss condition is infinitely better than when I first saw him. He has no pain can get about and can enjoy himself some with Society and is comparatively comfortable but as I stated before the stiffness of the tissues of the bladder neck prevent total control of the Sphineter muscle. This long illness and close approach to death before operation, from uremia, so __ him that he has never been able to do heavy or prolonged work and probably never will. I should date the period of his disability from Jan 1st 1901. The trouble is in no way due to vicious habits or sexual disease. Dated 6 Jan 1905.
Medical Affidavit of S. S. Salisbury M.D. dated 9 April 1898
State of Cal. County of Los Angeles, SS: In the matter of Pension Claim of Zachariah D. Mathews late of C Company, 13 Regiment Ill. That he has know the claimant Zachariah D. Mathuss for about sever years as a neighbor and family physical and that during all that time he has been intimately acquainted with him and his seen him very frequently, and also that he has attended him in several attacks of Bronchitis and that the above claimant is a constant sufferer from chronic Bronchitis accompanied with persistent cough and hoarsness, so severe that at times he it has been necessary for him to go to the mountain and desert in order to get relief from the Bronchitis.
General Affidavit of Zachariah D. Mathuss dtd 26 Sept 1905
In the matter of the claim of Zachariah D. Mathuss personally appeared Zachariah D. Mathuss, claimant aged 63 years, whose Post Office address is 1129 West 7 St. Los Angeles, Cal. Who, being duly sworn, declared in relation to said case, that he first began to suffer from disease of urinary organs about the month of November in the year 1897 as nearly as he is able to state. That, on account for the difficulty (and perhaps impossibility) of securing the required evidence to show his degree of disability in the year 1900 and 1901 he hereby waives his right to any additional pension that may be due him for said years, and requests that his claim filed in March 1902 be allowed without further delay. Signed Zachariah D. Mathus
Statement of Jonathan Uhl and J. H. W. Bennett
State of Iowa, Page County ss. I, Jonathan Uhl and J. H. W. Bennett each for himself being first duly sworn depose and say that I am well acquainted with Zachariah D. Mathuss and that I was well acquainted with the said Mathuss for some years prior to his enlistment in the army and know him to be the individual who served in Co, C. 13th Regt. Ill. Vol. Inf. And affiants further say that I am informed and believe that the records of the regiment erroneously show his name to be Zachariah D. Mathews; and affiants further say that each of us have been intimately acquainted with the said Zachariah. D. Mathuss ever since the war and know him to be the individual heretofore refered to as having served in Co. C 13th Regt. Ill. Vol. Inf. Signed Jonathan Uhl, J. H. W. Bennett.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by the said Jonathan Uhl and J. H. W. Bennett on this the 27th day of June A.D. 1892. C. S. Kenan, Notary Public.
Statement of S. T. Joslyn 5 Jul 1892
I, S. T. Joslyn on my oath do say that I am a resident of the city of Omaha, Nebraska; that at the time of the enlistment of Zachariah D. Mathuss in the 13th Illinois Regt. Vol. Inft., I was Orderly Sargeant in CO. C of said regiment, and that I erroneously entered his name as Zachariah D. Mathews; and I further say that I am well acquainted with the said Zachariah D. Mathuss and know him to be the identical person who served in Co., C under the name of Zachariah D. Mathews.
Statement of Zachariah D. Mathuss
State of California, County of Los Angeles ss. In the matter of Pension Claim No. 620279 of Zachariah D. Mathuss Co, C. 13 Reg. Ill. Inf. Personally appeared the claimant and on oath says that after his discharge for disability he was sick for eight months at Dixon Ill, was treated by Dr. Chase of Amboy, Ill and Dr. Levanway of Dixon and nursed by Mother Becker, all of whom he thinks are dead. For a long time after he got up, he was not expected to live. He went to Montana in the spring of 64 and remained there in the mountains most of the time for six years, when he returned to Chicago and entered into the commission business, which engaged him about three years. At the end of that time he had to give up his business on account of this throat was treated there for Drs. Johnson and Jones of that city who advised him to go south. He went to Cairo, where he entered into the Flour & Grain business, also traveled in the south a great deal of the time for six years, but the business had to be given up on account of this throat trouble. From there he went to Austin and San Antonio, Tex, remaining one year then returned to Dixon for a few months where he went to Shenandoah in southwest Iowa. Here he has made his home for the past eight years and has been treated by Drs. H. P. Duffield & E. C. Whiting of that place. He has been obliged to spend the most of the winter in Florida and Southern California on account of his throat as he could not stand the cold and weather; and at no time since his discharge has he been able to do manual labor more than half part of the time, none at all. Zachariah D. Mathuss. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 20 day of April 1888 and I certify that the contents were fully made known to deponent before signing. C. N. Dunsmore, County Clerk of Los Angeles, County.
Note: it appears he goes south in the winter months and returns to Iowa in the summer months.
On 16 Aug 1887 Zackariah states that while on march from Springfield and Rolla, MO, was at Batesville, MO and contracted Bronchitis which has troubled him every since his discharge. The doctors though he would die, as he bled at the lungs some. He was treated by S. C. Plumer on march and at Helena Ark.
On Dec 1887, a boyhood friend of Zacks stated that for the past 3 winters, Zack has spent them in Los Angeles.
18 March 1915, Statement of Zachariah D. Mathuss.
This was a questionairre.
Date and place of birth: Ashville, North Carolina, Nov 12, 1841
Name of organizations in which you served: Company C, 13th Illinois Infantry
What was your post office at enlistment? Amboy, Lee County, Illinois
State your wifes full name including maiden name: Joanna Eliza (Uhl) Mathuss
When and where, and by whom were you married? At Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, Nov 4th, 1869, by Rev. Abraham Tremper & William Uhl, wifes Father.
Is there any official or church record of your marriage? Yes. If so, where? Lee County Records, Dixon Lee County, Illinois.
Were you previously married? No
Was your present wife married before? No.
Are you now living with your wife? Yes.
What are the names and dates of your children, living or dead. No children.
Statement of Elizabeth A. Boyer
I, Elizabeth A. Boyer hereby swear that I am 76 years of age. I have known Zachariah D. Mathuss and Joanna E. Mathuss about 65 years. I first knew her as Joanna E. Uhl, which was her maiden name. I was present at their wedding at Dixon Ills. Nov. 4th 1869, and I know neither has been previously married. I was also present at their golden wedding, and I know they have lived together as husband and wife, without separation or divorce, from their marriage in 1869 until the death of Zachariah D. Mathuss March 24, 1923. I know Joanna E. Mathuss has not married since the death of her husband, Zachariah D. Mathuss, March 24, 1923. We have been very intimate friends all these years and I know the above statements are true. My address is Elizabeth A. Boyer, 921 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Cal. Witnesses: Grace E. Uhl, 1716 Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Catharine Uhl 1716 Fifty Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Subscribed and Sworn 5th April 1923
Statement of Catharine Uhl
I, Catharine Uhl hereby swear that I am 70 years of age; I have known Joanna E. Mathuss about 70 years. I first knew her as Joanna Uh; I was present at her wedding Nov. 4th 1869 at Dixon Ills, when she married Zachariah D. Mathuss. I know neither had been previously married. I was also present at their golden wedding. I married Johnathan Uhl in 1866 and am now his widow. Said Johnathan Uhl was a brother of Joanna E. Mathuss. I know Zachariah D. and Joanne E. Mathuss lived together as husband and wife, without separation or divorce from their marriage in 1869 until his death March 24, 1923, and I know Joanna E. Mathuss has not married since the death of Zachariah D. Mathuss. My address is Catharine Uhl, 1716 Fifty Ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Witnesses Grace E. Uhl, 1716 Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif., Elizabeth A. Boyer, 921 Winfield St., Los Angeles, Calif. Subscribed and sworn to 5th day of April 1923.
Death Certificate of Zachariah D. Mathuss
Zachariah D. Mathuss died at 1725 5th Avenue on 24 March 1923, at 2 a.m., from Cerebro Menngitis, with contributing Myocarditis. He was born 12 Nov 1841 in North Carolina. Male, white, married, husband of Joanna Mathuss. Zack was 81 years, 4 months and 12 days old and retired. His parents were James Y. Mathuss and Martha Burgess their places of birth are unknown. Zack had lived at this location for 3 years and 6 months and in California for 37 years. He was buried in Rosedale Cemetery on 26 Mar 1923. The Undertaker was W. A. Brown of 1335 S. Flower St.
Declaration For Widows Pension
State of California, County of Los Angeles. On this 4th day of April, 1923, personally appeared Joanna E. Mathuss before me the undersigned, who makes the following declaration as an application for pension under the provisions of the act of Congress approved May 1, 1920. That she is 75 years of age, that she was born March 22, 1847 at Clarion, Pa, and that her post-office address is 1725 Fifty Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. That she is the widow of Zachariah D. Mathuss, who Enlisted May 24, 1861 under the name of Zachariah D. Mathuss, in Co. C, 13th Regt. Ill. Vol. and was honorably discharged October 17th 1862, having served ninety days or more, or was discharged for, or died in service of the United States of a disability incurred in the service in the line of duty, during the Civil War, and who died March 24, 1923, at Los Angeles, Calif. That she was married to said soldier November 4, 1869, at Dixon Illinois, by Rev. A. A. Tremper and that she had not been previously married, that he had not been previously married. That she has not applied for a pension and that the soldier was a pension, the number of his pension certificate being 398311. Signed Joanna E. Mathuss 1725 Fifth Ave, Los Angeles, Calif. Witnesses: Grace E. Uhl, 1716 Fifth Ave., Los Angles, Cal., Catharine Uhl, 1716 Fifth Ave, Los Angeles, Cal. Sworn 5th April 1923.