This is the battlefield marker in Viliards Field at Chickamauga, Georgia.

This battlefield marker is next to the Glenn-Kelly road at Chickamauga, georgia. It is fairly close to the death monument of Gen. Lytle. This markes the approximate location of Walworth and Lytle's brigades when they were hammered by Confederate attack. A little background: Sheridan's Division came into the fighting from the south and was on the extreme right. On the first day of the battle, the main force was from Bragg against Thomas on the far left. The main Union maneuver during the battle was to move units to help Thomas. At 4 a.m., Sheridan's division was pulled back from Viniard's field awaiting further orders. Sheridan was ordered to move 2 of his brigades north to help Thomas (Walworth and Lytle). As these two brigades were moving north in column, the fatal Union error occurred as a unit was pulled north to fill a non-existent gap in the lines. This created a gap at just the time that the confederates were mounting a major assault at just that point and when Sheridan's division just happened to be strolling by. The two brigades got beat up pretty bad, but made a terrific showing before having to pull back to prevent complete destruction. Sheridan's report indicates that they captured prisoners from 5 different confederate divisions in that attack.

This also happens to be the spot that 1st Lt. Thomas Cummings, my gr-gr-grandfather, led a squad from the Illinois 51st Infantry to capture the regimental colors of the 24th Alabama Infantry.

Many thanks to Jim Willison who submitted this information.

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