This is a pair of Carte de visite (cdv) photos showing the same soldier.
He was Sgt. John E. Lane of Co. A, 16th Illinois Infantry. He was from Macomb
and mustered in on June 1, 1861. The state Adjutant-General's Report lists
him as the "Recording Officer since Dec. 8, '63" but does not
give the date of muster out or being promoted.
The cdv on the left has Sgt. Lane sporting his winter overcoat and cape.
The back mark is by Chas. Giers of Nashville, TN.
The oval chest up pose of Lane has his ink autograph: "Yours truly
J. E. Lane." The photographer front mark is T. M. Schleier, also from
Nashville where the 16th Illinois Infantry was during it's campaign of 1862.